We will help to find birth parents, siblings and relatives in Latvia

search for biological parents and relatives in Latvia

We know how to find birth parents in Latvia, if  you were born and adopted from this country. Our agency knows how to help you, because we have a wide, long-term experience in the search for relatives, siblings in the countries of Europe and Asia.

As a result, you will receive a detailed report, photos, and videos after completing the searches in Latvia and Riga. These searches will help the child answer many of his/her questions, which have absolutely all adopted children, such as:

– Who are my birth mom and dad, and what are their names?

– How do they look?

– To whom I look like?

– Do I have brothers and sisters?

– What occupations my biological parents have?

– What are they striving for in life?

And so on.

Your child will be able to get answers to all these numerous questions after the search has been successfully done.

Our agency has been searching for biological parents in Latvia and relatives for more than 10 years. We can help you to solve this difficult task. It should be understood that the search process requires time to prepare, study the adoption documents, then travel to Latvia to find and meet with the natural mother, father, siblings and other relatives.

The process of searching for birth parents and relatives can be divided into three steps.


The first step

We review your adoption documents and decide how we will look for biological parents. There are different search strategies, and in each case, they negotiate with the client individually. After studying the documents, we proceed directly to our search. Our employee will go on a business trip to Latvia in order to find and personally meet the mother (father) of your child, as well as with brothers, sisters, and other relatives who can be found.


The second step

This is directly a personal meeting with the parents, siblings, and other relatives. During such a meeting, the natural mother talks about herself, her family, her children, grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles and aunts. Such a meeting is somewhat like an interview, only without the participation of a television camera. The biological mom sends many family photos from her album or computer, and during the interview, we also take photos showing her mother, her children, the conditions of her life, the house, the street, and so on.At the end of the meeting, if the mother is morally ready for this, we record a video in which she sends greetings to her child and his adoptive parents.


The third step

After the search is successfully completed, the client receives the following:

a detailed report (usually 3-4 pages);
a large number of photos (parents, siblings and other family members);
a video film (length of the video 11-17 minutes).


Also, we can fulfill any of your requests for gifts, souvenirs, or any other things that you want to transfer to natural parents or relatives.

Also, our agency assists in conducting DNA examinations if you want to be 100% sure of motherhood or fatherhood. Taking samples of materials from one of the parents (or both) shall be negotiated and paid additionally.

Our agency will help your child achieve his/her dreams into reality!


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